Tax & Accounting Services

If you’re looking for someone that will focus on your individual needs, and always treat you like a client who matters, look no further. I offer a full range of professional services to give you the individual attention that you need and deserve!

Tax Preparation & Planning

Currently, I am licensed to prepare and file your federal income tax return and all states with the exception of California, New York and Connecticut.  I am legally obligated to electronically file your tax return unless you sign a waiver for religious reasons. Consider this: effective tax planning can help you to minimize your future tax liability. I can help you get the outcome you desire by making a few simple adjustments to your overall tax picture, along with explaining upcoming tax changes that will impact your tax return. Not all tax planning opportunities are readily apparent. By having me on your team, you are more likely to benefit from those opportunities. I understand how the latest federal and state tax legislation and other developments may affect you.

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Estate & Trust Tax Preparation

Estate matters affect everyone. Nobody gets out of here alive! Proper planning is essential especially if you have children. By taking proactive steps today, you can ease the way for your heirs during a very difficult time and ensure your assets end up where you want them! I can work with you to help you to structure your estate and/or work with your legal counsel to structure your trusts to minimize taxes along with a smooth transition to your heirs. I am available to handle all estate and trust tax-related matters as well as preparing accountings for the Register of Wills.

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Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is critical in these uncertain times. If you are thinking about drawing your pension, starting withdrawals from your IRA’s or applying for Social Security, I can help you evaluate the available options. I can help you make choices that are the most appropriate for your own financial situation and overall tax picture.

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Business Entity Selection

Starting a business? Feel like you need to incorporate? The entity you choose has a huge impact on your taxes and on your finances. Let’s discuss what is best for you.

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Business Consulting

You already know how to run your business but I can help you figure out if you can run it better! Let me know if I can help!

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Financial Analysis

Sometimes our finances get out of hand. I have the resources and the knowledge to help you get out of debt and back on your feet. It will take a lot of work on your part but I can tell you that financial freedom is well worth it! You do not have to be wealthy to live well! Please reach out to me if you need this service.

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Notary Public

Notary services are available by appointment.

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Tax Resolution Services

Back Taxes Owed

Have you filed your tax returns every year, but not paid all the tax you owe? Maybe you just didn’t have enough money at the time and planned to pay more later. Unfortunately, the penalties and interest that are added to back taxes greatly increase how much you will ultimately owe the government. If you are delinquent on your taxes and haven’t yet heard from the IRS, you soon will. The IRS may place a lien on your property or a levy on your bank accounts or wages. The potential damage from unpaid back taxes can be financially ruinous, but it is often avoidable. I can help you assess your tax debt options and negotiate a workable payment plan with the IRS. Unpaid back taxes is a problem that rarely goes away on its own. Contact me today and resolve your tax liability issues.

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Currently Not Collectible/Hardship Status

If paying your tax debt would cause you undue financial hardship, you may qualify for Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. If the IRS decides your case is legitimate, they will halt collection for the duration of your CNC status, although you may still be subjected to a lien. Generally, to be accepted as Currently Not Collectible you must demonstrate to the IRS that you cannot pay your tax debt after meeting monthly living expenses or by liquidating certain assets. Applying for hardship status on your own is time-consuming and can ultimately end in failure. Our tax professionals are familiar with IRS rules and regulations. If I feel you have a good chance to qualify for hardship status, I will submit the correct paperwork on your behalf and emphasize your suitability to the IRS. Currently Not Collectible is best thought of as a reprieve from collection enforcement that is subject to review. Once your status is confirmed, however, I can recommend options that will bring your tax controversy to a permanent close.

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Injured Spouse Relief

You may qualify for Injured Spouse Relief if the IRS uses the refund from your joint return to offset certain past-due debts that are the sole responsibility of your spouse or former spouse, such as taxes, child support, or student loans. Injured Spouse Relief should not be confused with Innocent Spouse Relief. You may be classified as an Injured Spouse if you do not receive your portion of a refund because of your spouse’s debt, whereas Innocent Spouse Relief applies to debt for which you are technically co-responsible, but not liable because of circumstances. Whatever the cause, I can help you rectify an unfair tax liability and get you your money. As a tax expert, I will closely examine your case to see if you qualify for Injured Spouse Relief and/or any other IRS Relief programs.

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Levies and Seizures

Levies and liens are often confused, but they are actually quite different. A lien secures the government’s interest in your property when you don’t pay your tax debt. A levy actually takes the property to pay the tax debt. If you don’t pay or make arrangements to settle your tax liability the IRS can levy, seize and sell any type of personal property that you own or have an interest in. Even your retirement accounts and home are fair game. If you have received a Notice of Intent to Levy please contact me immediately. There is a brief time period where we may be able to appeal the process and negotiate a workable payment plan before the levy even begins. Levies are best understood by examining their primary asset targets.

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Tax Representation and Resolution

There are many issues that can arise between taxpayers and the IRS. If you are facing an audit, lien, or wage garnishment your future and reputation are at stake and you should take immediate action. But going it alone can be a time-consuming nightmare and sometimes result in a worse outcome. I am uniquely qualified to resolve your tax problems and represent your best interests before the IRS and other tax authorities.

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Wage Levy (Wage Garnishment)

A Wage Levy occurs when the IRS sends a Notice of Levyto your employer demanding that he or she send a portion of your paycheck to the IRS. If your employer fails to comply, they could be held responsible for your tax debt. A wage levy is extremely unpleasant. The IRS usually gets the bulk of your paycheck until your taxes are paid off and your relationship with your employer is put under a great deal of stress. If your wages are being garnished, you need help now. I will work with you to arrange a payment plan with the IRS that is far more tolerable than having your regular paycheck docked.

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